October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Sessions: Abstract


"To hold infinity in the palm of your hand"

Ian Wilson, Library and Archives Canada, Canada

By bringing together the people, the collections, the expertise and the professional cultures of libraries, archives and museums, we have responded to an information landscape that is in constant motion. In just fifteen minutes the world produces an amount of data equal to all the information held at the Library of Congress. This landscape creates information expectations that are vastly different from those we have met in the past. Digital technology allows us to reach more audiences and respond to some of these expectations, but it also creates unique access and preservation challenges. More and more we are connecting with new partners, both nationally and internationally, building up our networks and making the best use of technologies – taking on new roles as a knowledge institution. In a Web 2.0 world, how do we carry out these expanded roles, and what are the new models of cooperation among our professional communities? Where are the synergies, and how do we make the best use of them to reach our clients? Setting ambitious goals and mobilizing the expertise and commitment of many partners, we need to open the first-hand evidence of Canada’s diverse experience to ourselves and to the world.

Session: Opening Plenary [Plenary]

Keywords: plenary, library, archives, museums, national digital strategy