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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:  October 28, 2010

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Bente Gundestrup
Research Fellow
The National Museum of Denmark
Frederiksholms Kanal 12
Copenhagen K
DK 1220 Denmark

Bente Gundestrup is a Research fellow associated the National Museum of Denmark. She received her MA degree in history and history of religion from the University of Copenhagen in 1976. She has for many years been associated the Danish National Museum as researcher, editor and consultant at some great special exhibitions. The main target has been research and publicising of the Danish Royal Kunstkammer and BG has been head of the kunstkammer project – a documentary program of museum objects from the oldest museum collection in Denmark. The first part of the investigations was published in 1991 - The Royal Danish Kunstkammer 1737, vol. I-II. BG has been invited to and participated in various conferences and through the years published several articles on the same subject. Presently she is in her research focusing on the 18th century kunstkammer collection.

Bente will present The King's Kunstkammer: Presenting Systems of Knowledge on the Web.