Museums and the Web 2005
Sessions: Abstracts
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Speakers from around the world present their latest work at MW2005.

Converging Content

Ian Wilson, Library and Archives Canada, Canada

Session: Closing Plenary

The nature and use of the World Wide Web has dramatically changed over the past decade. In the future, we as cultural, knowledge-based institutions will be measured by not only how we have contributed to the tidal wave of knowledge, but also how we have managed the rich currents of information. Converging content on the Web for Library and Archives Canada means being: proactive, engaging, discovery-oriented, e-democracy based, freely accessible and truly convergent in attitude. The Web medium provides an unprecedented technology to make content accessible. However, cultural institutions run the real risk of becoming virtual "ivory towers." The technology can only be used to its fullest potential when we make the appropriate, non-virtual convergences in mentality and practice. Converging content not only means bringing together knowledge digitally, but also bringing together all cultural and knowledge-based institutions in the development of, and interaction with, this content.