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Museums and the Web: An International Conference
Los Angeles, CA, March 16 - 19, 1997

Archives & Museum Informatics, the organizers of the bi-annual International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums (ICHIM '91-97) host an annual spring conference held in North America on Museums and the Web.

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with links to Presentations
Proceedings Workshops Speakers
Exhibitors Best Museum Web Site
Contest Results

In the three years since the appearance of the first museum web sites, hundreds of museums have established a presence on the World Wide Web. We believe museums have much to learn from each other and from developers who have been using the Web for other applications. To provide an opportunity for information exchange, Archives & Museum Informatics hosted an international conference devoted exclusively to Museums and the Web.

WebMasters, educators, exhibits staff, curators and managers from museums, science centers, archives and special collections libraries attended. Because these institutions hold the vast majority of the cultural resources of our society and have proven track records in its interpretation, publishers, software developers and service providers came to the meeting to explore the potential museums offer as a source of content and the challenge they present to providers of Web-based multimedia.

The conference web site will be maintained until the published Proceedings are available. We welcome your comments.

Museums and the Web will be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, April 21-26, 1998.

Archives & Museum Informatics Museums and the Web Registrants Exhibitors Sponsors Program

Last modified: April 15, 1997
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