Electronic Records Research 1997: Resource Materials

Compilation Copyright, Archives & Museum Informatics 1998
Article Copyright, Author

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After twelve years as a professional archivist in Sweden, Erlandsson served, first as Chief of the United Nations archives (1971-1991), and then, until his retirement at the end of 1996, as head of the archives and records management section at the International Monetary Fund. During the last ten years of these assignments he concentrated his efforts on seeking solutions to the problem of getting the UN, and later the IMF, to preserve and manage their electronic records (by issuing administrative rules (UN), running pilot tests, publishing guidelines for management of e-mail, etc.

Erlandsson received a Ph.D. (history-archives related) in 1967 from the University of Lund, Sweden, he served as chair of the Section for Archivists of International Organizations (of ICA), has been a member of the ICA Executive Committee, and represented the United Nations in the Technical Panel on Electronic Records Management as well as in the Working Group on Electronic Records Management Issues and Standards (both in ACCIS). From October 1996 Erlandsson is an honorary member of ICA.

Erlandsson has published numerous articles in English and in Swedish on archives and records management issues, and most recently, for the ICA Electronic Records Committe, authored an extensive literature review on electronic records management

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16 June 1997