Electronic Records Research 1997: Resource Materials

Compilation Copyright, Archives & Museum Informatics 1998
Article Copyright, Author

Bibliography of Background Materials and Findings
D, E, F

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[ D ]

Day, Michael (compiled by). "Preservation of Electronic Information: A Bibliography." The UK Office for Library and Information Networking. [http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/~lismd/preservation.html].
The aim of the bibliography is to indicate some relevant resources, with annotations and where possible some links to documents. The bibliography will be updated from time-to-time. Interest in preserving electronic information began in the 1970s within the archive community and the articles here by Dollar, Fishbein and Bell represent this period. The 1980s saw more concern with electronic publications so libraries began to look at the preservation problems that these would create, with BNBRF funded reports being written by Hills, Sturges and Blake. In recent years the US Commission on Preservation and Access has sponsored important research in this area, and it jointly commissioned the Task Force on Archiving of Digital Information which published its report in 1996. [abstract taken from web site.]

Duff, Wendy. "Increasing the Acceptance of Functional Requirements for Electronic Evidence." Archives and Museum Informatics: The Cultural Heritage Informatics Quarterly 10:4 (1996): 326-351.
This article reports on a research study that tested the effect of statements of "literary warrant" on lawyers, auditors and information specialists' evaluations of a set of functional requirements for electronic evidence. It found that legal statements can increase the rating of importance of some of the functional requirements. Its results also provided evidence that differences in subjects professional backgrounds and their computer knowledge can affect the ratings of importance the subjects gave to the functional requirements. [abstract reproduced from publication.]

Duranti, Luciana, and Heather MacNeil. "The Protection of the Integrity of Electronic Records: An Overview of the UBC-MAS Research Project." Archivaria 42 (Fall 1996): 46-67. [full-text being made available is of an earlier draft than the published version.]
The research project currently underway at the University of British Columbia's Master of Archival Studies programme is directed toward identifying and defining the requirements for creating, handling, and preserving reliable and authentic electronic records. This article provides an overview of the research project, outlining its objectives and methodology, summarizing its conceptual analysis, and presenting its major findings to date. [abstract reproduced from publication.]

[ E ]

Environmental Protection Agency (US) [http://www.epa.gov/nrmp/]
Various policies concerning electronic records, including, among other things, the management of electronic mail, the definition of a record, and records schedules for electronic records.

[ F ]

"Functional Requirements for Evidence in Recordkeeping" -- NHPRC funded research project, University of Pittsburgh School of Information Sciences. [http://www.sis.pitt.edu/~nhprc]
Stimulated by intense interest in the archival and records management professions and supported by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, the University of Pittsburgh School of Information Sciences has conducted a research project to examine variables that affect the integration of recordkeeping requirements in electronic information systems. This project was intended to examine one means to rectify such problems. The major objectives of this research project were to develop a set of well-defined recordkeeping functional requirements -- satisfying all the various legal, administrative, and other needs of a particular organization -- which can be used in the design and implementation of electronic information systems. The project also proceeded to consider how the recordkeeping functions are affected by organizational policies, culture, and use of information technology standards, systems design, and implementation.


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