Electronic Records Research 1997: Resource Materials

Compilation Copyright, Archives & Museum Informatics 1998
Article Copyright, Author

Bibliography of Background Materials and Findings
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Wallace, David. "Background Briefing on the State of Electronic Records Research and Implementation Across the World." (Pittsburgh, PA: Archives and Museum Informatics, May 1997). Format: Rich Text Format
To help frame the context within which [the Working Meeting on Electronic Records] will focus its intellectual and analytical efforts, the report which follows provides a brief synopsis of previous meetings on electronic records research. As such it tracks the evolution of archival and records management thought on how best to confront the challenges presented to recordkeeping by the computing environment. To facilitate the connections between commentaries and findings from previous meeting and this one, this report is structured to mirror the organizing framework of the May 29-31, 1997 working meeting. As such, it is composed of five discrete sections: 1. Definitions of Electronic Records, 2. Developing Policy Frameworks, 3. Record Creating Events, 4. Capturing Records, 5. Maintaining and Using Records. Each of these five sections will be analyzed along two major dimensions: 1. An explication of the research issues associated with each section's subject, delineating why the subject is considered a problem in need of research and 2. An explication of the research and implementations related to the section's subject as described in previous meetings on electronic records research, focusing on conclusions drawn and strategies deployed for managing electronic records. The value of mapping previous research onto the structure of the May 29-31, 1997 meeting is that it will highlight the meeting's assumptions as to what the key electronic records research issues are in relation to where previous research has tread. [abstract taken from paper Introduction.]

Williams, Robert F. "The Fourth Leg of the Chair." Imaging World (May 1997). Format: Rich Text Format
In this article, the author makes the point that "the traditional objectives of producing computer-generated documents faster, cheaper and prettier have been superseded by a new primary objective: legal compliance and admissibility -- this is the all important "fourth leg of the chair."

Williams, Robert F. "Media Migration: A New Issue that Needs New Accounting." Imaging World (January 1997). Format: Rich Text Format
The author offers a brief overview of how "electronic imaging has crated the need for new perspectives regarding changing from one storage media to another."

Williams, Robert F. "The New Paradigms of Managing Electronic Records/Images." Imaging World (February 1997). Format: Rich Text Format
This article offers a brief review of those paradigms that result from the change from basic analog to digital document based information management.

Williams, Robert F. "P-WORM, E-WORM, S-WORM: Is a Sausage a Wienie?." Imaging World (July 1996). Format: Rich Text Format
Williams' article examines WORM (write once, read many) attributes for optical storage media and discusses the legal issues surrounding WORM technology.

Williams, Robert F. "Transient Compound Document (TCD): A New Type of Business Document." Imaging World (October 1996). Format: Rich Text Format
In this article, the author points out that "the Transient Compound Document (TCD) is a new type of business record that needs to be managed" and goes on to explore answers to the following questions: "What is a TCD? How did it come into existence? Why are TCDs important? How should they be managed?"

World Bank. "Frequently Asked Questions: IRIS Features and Limitations." ITSIO, last revised 31 October 1996. Format: Rich Text Format
This FAQ is primarily intended for new IRIS staff who are training to serve as Information Assistants or Imaging Coordinators. Questions are organized loosely by category. Some questions might easily fit into more than one category, but they appear only once: overview, advantages, searching - retrieval - display, profiling, technology, and records. [abstract taken from document.]


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