Electronic Records Research 1997: Resource Materials

Compilation Copyright, Archives & Museum Informatics 1998
Article Copyright, Author

Archives and Records Management Services
University of Queensland
Queensland 4072

Glenda Acland is University Archivist and Head of Archives and Records Management Services at the University of Queensland in Australia. The mission of this unit encompasses the continuum of the records of the University regardless of their medium, with a strong emphasis on evidentiality. Glenda's professional interests include education issues, professional identity, electronic recordkeeping and recordkeeping audit. Her best known publications are "Archivist - Keeper, Undertaker or Auditor" (1991), "Managing the Record Rather Than the Relic" (1992) and the "Glossary" of archival terminology in the second edition of Keeping Archives. A member of the Editorial Board and Reviews Editor for the journal Archives and Manuscripts from 1987-1994, she was guest editor of the theme May 1994 issue "Electronic Recordkeeping: Issues and Perspectives" and convenor of a session by the same title at the 1994 Auistralian Society of Archivists Conference. In 1995 on her last visit to the USA she presented a paper at the Society of American Archivists meeting session on The Electronic Records Strategies Task Force Report.

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16 June 1997