Electronic Records Research 1997: Resource Materials

Compilation Copyright, Archives & Museum Informatics 1998
Article Copyright, Author

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
E32-335, 77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139-4304
United States

Helen W. Samuels is currently the Special Assistant to the Associate Provost at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Both in her previous position at MIT, as Institute Archivist, and in this new assignment, her involvement with electronic records has been to launch an effective program for the Institute. As Archivist she formed a collaboration with Tim McGovern, of MIT's Information Systems, as they recognized that they needed their shared knowledge to launch and carry out such a program. In 1995, McGovern and Samuels issued a white paper entitled, "Managing Electronic Evidence: A Risk Management Perspective," as a way to begin educating the senior administration about the challenges ahead. Her new position gives her the opportunity to continue this work in the context of examining information policy issues for the Institute. She hopes to work with Indiana University to test their methodology by examining the Registrar's data-base. Beyond the education that they continue to do at MIT, she and McGovern have also helped take the issue of electronic records to CAUSE and CNI by offering briefing sessions at their recent meetings.

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16 June 1997