Electronic Records Research 1997: Resource Materials

Compilation Copyright, Archives & Museum Informatics 1998
Article Copyright, Author

CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences
723 Swanston Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3053

Rhys completed a B.Sc. in 1976 and Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1980. He lectured computer science at La Trobe University until 1990 when he joined CSIRO as a senior scientist in the area of parallel and distributed computing. Since then, his interests have migrated towards complex information systems and most recently electronic documents and business systems. Rhys now manages a signiifcant research effort in CSIRO including groups researching Text-based Information Management, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Human Computer Interaction, Distributed Computing and Digital Media Information Systems.

His interest in archiving arose during research work undertaken with Ernst & Young and the Public Record Office of Victoria intended to develop a strategy for archiving electronic records. This study rapidly moved beyond an analysis of the technologies of long term preservation and document migration to tackle technologies to support metadata capture at the point of record creation. The project team has now been funded to continue the work within a larger project intended to assist the Victorian Government understand the technology and process support required for electronic record keeping so that tenders can be set to implement electronic record keeping within its agencies. Apart from archiving, Rhys' research projects are geared towards achieving value added processing of the content of electronic documents to support advanced business systems.

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16 June 1997