ICHIM 97 Sponsors

Sponsorship Opportunities

Conference Co-Sponsor

Co-sponsor with the Louvre. One organization only. Prominently credited on cover of all print literature and immediately following conference name in all signage. Specially thanked from podium in all plenary sessions and mentioned by chairs in all sessions. Representative feted at opening or closing plenary. Includes exhibition booth (single, dual or quad) and prominent exhibit location.

Reception Sponsor

One organization for each of the two receptions at major Paris museums. Sponsors will be thanked in the program and on signage for the event. Representative introduced from podium during the event. Thanked again in opening and closing plenaries. Includes exhibition booth (single or dual) and prominent exhibit location.


Any number of organizations. Provides vehicle for distribution of an item of their product literature in one of the mass mailings. Listed in conference program as supporter. Thanked in closing plenary and listed in program.

For further information contact:

David Bearman
ICHIM 97 Conference Chairman
Archives &Museum Informatics
5501 Walnut St. Suite 203
Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA
phone: 1-412-683-9775 fax: 1-412-683-7366
email: dbear@archimuse.com

This page is located below www.archimuse.com/ichim97 .
To request further information or send comments, contact info@archimuse.com
Last Updated: May 15, 1997.