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Cultural Heritage
Informatics Meeting

Washington, DC, USA

Sept. 22-26, 1999

Welcome to ichim99


The ICHIM Conference series began in 1991. We've met every two years since then, alternating between North America and Europe: Pittsburgh in 91; Cambridge, England in 93, and San Diego, California, in 95. ICHIM last met in Paris, France in 97 - over 625 people from twenty-five countries attended ICHIM 97 at Le Louvre in Paris. Ministries of culture and multi-institutional collaboratives were particularly well represented. Staff from museums, archives and universities came with ambitious documentation and public access objectives, and discussed point-of-information kiosks, in-gallery interactives, CD-ROM publications and the World Wide Web with their colleagues, and with international publishers of interactive multimedia and network service providers. At each ICHIM meeting practitioners, theorists, subject specialists, developers and suppliers from the public and private sector meet to share ideas and experiences.

The Program

Before ichim99 formally began two full days of workshops helped attendees build their technical, social and managerial skills. ichim99 itself spanned three days: two parallel session tracks featured formal papers, panels, and many opportunities for participant interaction. All podiums had network access, up-to-date computer technology and high-resolution projection to ensure that speakers could demonstrate, not just discuss, the advances they were reporting. An exhibition hall featured the latest from a variety of commercial firms. Social events throughout ichim99 ensured that everyone had an opportunity to meet informally and expand their circle of colleagues.


On September 22 and 23, ichim99 featured a wide range of pre-conference workshops in half-day, full-day and two day formats. These workshops were designed to provide educational experiences ranging from introductory to advanced, in formats which included hands-on computer training, lectures, seminars and interactive group sessions. Workshop instructors came from universities, museums and commercial organizations, in the U.S. and abroad, and had extensive experience with small group training. A great professional development opportunity, ichim99 workshops were attended by many local museum staff (Washington DC has the largest concentration of museums in the USA).


The ichim99 Program Committee selected a wide variety of speakers and presentation formats from the many proposals received. Presentations were scheduled in ways that best suited their content: with 1, 2, 3, and 4 papers, and with or without formal commentators. All sessions included substantial time for audience discussion - the experiences of participants made a major contribution to the meeting for everyone.


The range of exhibitors at ichim99, from different sectors of the cultural heritage informatics marketplace, assured that every attendee found something new and interesting. Exhibits began with a gala reception in the Exhibit Hall the evening of September 24. On September 25 a full day of exhibits began with continental breakfast at 8:00 am, and closed with refreshments at 6:00 pm.


Each full conference registrant received the ichim99 Proceedings upon arrival, included in the conference registration fee. Proceedings of past years meetings are also available for purchase. ICHIM Proceedings have become the premier sources for understanding the evolution of computer-based interactive multimedia in cultural settings. If you couldn't come to Washington, you can order the proceedings online.

ichim99: Washington, DC, Sept. 22-26, 1999