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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:
November 7, 2010

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0  License

Documenting Stories: World War II and Civil Rights Oral Histories
Laura Bendoly, Atlanta History Center, USA
Mary Anne Smith, Riverwood High School, USA

Demonstration: Your Colleagues - 2

In response to the national effort among museums to cultivate media literate, critically-thinking visitors, The Atlanta History Center hosted a project this fall (2002) in which teachers collected oral histories from veterans of the Civil Rights Movement and World War II. The goal of this workshop was to familiarize Atlanta educators with collecting personal histories, using primary documents and operating digital video. The result will be a series of student-researched, student-produced interviews with local historical figures ¥ a goal we anticipate achieving with students from two Atlanta schools by May 2003. Upon completion, these videos will serve to document the stories of two generations of Georgians whose histories might well disappear without our efforts to record them.