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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:
November 7, 2010

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IMLS Funding Opportunties for Technology Activities
Christine Henry, Institute of Museum and Library Services, USA
Dan Lukash, Institute of Museum and Library Services, USA

Mini-Workshop: Information Session

This Professional Forum was organized to allow the IMLS to provide conference attendees with information on the grants IMLS provides for museums both from the persepctive of the funding agency, and from the prospective of current grantees. These grants have funded projects that are similar to some of the technology activities that are on display at the conference.

Some current IMLS grantees will discuss/show their projects and their experience with developing the grant for IMLS and IMLS staff will explain their funding priorities.

The Forum can involve the audience in a discussion of project ideas and technology opportunities and in consideration of what kinds of priorities attendees feel the IMLS should have.