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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:
November 7, 2010

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0  License

An Affordable System for a Thematic Exhibition by using the Internet/Intranet
Chi Kin Wong, Hong Kong Science Museum, China
Loong Wing Tang, Hong Kong Science Museum, Hong Kong
Kwok Wai Ng, Hong Kong Science Museum, China
Chun Wai Cheung, Hong Kong Science Museum, China

Session: "Just" an Exhibition

A thematic exhibition that was created by the combination of Chinese mythic story "Flowers and the Mirrors" and mirrors was held in the Hong Kong Science Museum from April to July 2002. The exhibition used computer network intensively, particularly the image generated by mirror effect, to record and retrive the photo taken an Intranet in the museum. Visitors could also view their images at home through their Internet connections and browsers. This system came true by the integration of IP camera, IP bar code reader, Internet browser, back-end SQL server and Flash programming. This paper will discuss from system planning, implementation, problem solving to the statistic data collected.