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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:
November 7, 2010

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Combine the exhibition and your web-visitors - Integrated concepts of interactive digital media for museums
Stefan Goebel, Computer Graphics Center, Germany
Sebastian Sauer, ion2s - buero fuer interaktion, Germany

Workshop: Integrating In-house and On-line

This workshop will both provide an overview of existing approaches and integrated concepts of interactive digital media for museums and initiate interdisciplinary discussions concerning technical and application-oriented issues in this context.

Workshop Structure

The structure of the workshop consists of three parts: State-of-the-art analysis (presentation), application examples (demonstration, guided discussion) and outlook (open discussion, trends).


At the beginning we will provide an overview/state-of-the art analysis of existing approaches concerning real, physical exhibitions within a museum as well as virtual museums and presentations of exhibitions over the Web. Examples for this are digital information booths, mixed reality information kiosks, game-oriented application scenarios within museums or concrete examples of virtual museums and online exhibitions in the WWW.

  • Concepts for interactive exhibitions, e.g. multi-modal interaction techniques, mixed reality platforms, virtual and physical avatars such as Telebuddy, mobile edutainment concepts.
  • Presenting exhibitions on the web, e.g. Guggenheim (French Art ? Russian Collectors).
  • Virtual galleries, e.g. Deutsche Bank Friends.
  • Online exhibitions, net art.

Application Examples

Secondly, some elected (significant) approaches will be discussed within the audience of the workshop. This includes approaches such as Telebuddy (s. http://www.telebuddy.de), virtual guides for museums or mixed reality platforms for digital information booths or information kiosks. Kids innovation provides game-oriented methods and concepts for innovative user interaction within collaborative learn environments for young visitors of museums. Here, digital narrative characters are used as avatars to guide users through a museum and to tell them exciting stories about individual stories. From the technical point of view, further different techniques such as location-based services, indoor-tracking or speech and gesture recognition are integrated within these applications apart from traditional user interaction, media design or usability aspects.

ú Lux of Markus Bader

ú Telebuddy

ú Dino Hunter as a mobile game, edutainment application providing paedagogical/teaching and entertainment/gaming aspects.


Finally, all participants will discuss realization issues of the different application scenarios presented at the workshop taking into account financial and organizational aspects such as the size of the museum (exhibition area) or the composition of visitors and target user groups.

ú Combining reality with the web, discussion based on Dino Hunter

ú Participation of online users, tour-guides for online users.

ú Collaborative aspects: Group visitors.

ú Requirement Analysis, evaluation.

Audience, Participants

The workshop addresses several scientific and marketing-oriented issues. Subsequently, the targeted audience is very widespread including a lot of different participant groups such as managing directors of museums, marketing agencies, technicians (developers of information kiosks, game developers, etc.), hardware provider (mobile hardware, mixed reality hardware and software provider, sensor techniques), designer (media designer, interaction and communication designer), usability engineers or any kind of artists. Of course, any other user groups and interested people are welcome to join the workshop.