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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:
November 7, 2010

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0  License

High quality Virtual exposition over the World Wide Web: the technological approach of the Museum of PURE FORM project.
Franco Tecchia, PERCRO - Scuola Superiore S.Annna, Italy

Demonstration: Your Colleagues - 1

The deployment over the World Wide Web of virtual expositions of accurately rendered, high quality 3D models, is nowadays among the objectives of many cultural heritage and arts initiatives. In the case of projects like The Museum of PURE FORM, where the nature of the contents opens possibilities that go beyond those of a single, localized physical exposition, the availability of web-ready content related to the project's collection of digital models becomes almost mandatory.

Although desirable, presenting interactive 3D content over the WEB is not a simple task, as a big part of the current generation of 3D-web technology, being tailor-made for other typology of application, often imposes severe limitations, both in terms of quality and complexity of the interaction, on the presentation of high-quality content.

Instead than relying on readily available, general-purpose software to publish on the web their collection of digital models, the consortium members of the Museum of PURE FORM project collaborated closely with technical partners in order to bring custom-created web technology into play. This 3D web-content demonstration will showcase the kind of results that are obtainable when a specific, well-focused application goal is the driving force of the technology development process.