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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:
November 7, 2010

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Nimbus: A Museum-friendly Content Management Solution
Melissa Thurmond, High Museum of Art, USA
Mike Melia, Melia Design Group, USA

Demonstration: Your Colleagues - 2

When the High Museum of Art solicited proposals for a redesigned Web Site, we sought a robust and user-friendly content management tool, a fresh look and feel, practical information architecture, intuitive navigation, and rich content access. We wanted to transform the site into a multi-purpose communications tool that would be flexible enough to grow with our ever-changing needs.

In terms of content management, we required a solution that would provide maximum flexibility for growth and change. It needed to insure tight integration with both the present and future demands placed on our site, including multiple databases, template-based content delivery, and eventually, integration with a bulletin board system. The system would need to push and pull information to our users and was required to handle newsletters, forms and surveys, and an e-commerce solution.

Our selection of the Nimbus Content Management Solution has enabled us to focus our talent and resources on new development efforts while at the same time creating a consistent look for the Museum. Nimbus technology can be used by in house staff with no technical or design talent to self-sufficiently manage and our interactive presence. As a non-profit institution with limited resources, it has allowed us to utilize interns and administrative staff for site creation and not the required large expenditure for technical programmers.

Nimbus software:

  • manages media for a variety of platforms
  • uses industry standards for content storage, template development, and asset management.
  • is an integral part of the overall site design and management process.
  • simplifies the task, and reduces the time needed to create, deploy and manage any site.
  • allows for quick and seamless integration of other technologies and applications.
  • is simple to use.