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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:
November 7, 2010

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Developing a publishing workflow for a museum education site with home page versioning for educators, students and families
Joanna Champagne, The Smithsonian Institution, USA
Michelle Smith, Smithsonian Institution, USA

Demonstration: Your Colleagues - 2

From American Presidents to Julia Child's Kitchen to the Space Race, Smithsonian web sites inspire educators and students alike. With the redesign of the Smithsonian Education Portal, http://educate.si.edu, the Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies has radically changed how content, classroom tools and Smithsonian lesson plans are accessed and used. In this demonstration, learn how a small publications staff has developed and managed a new education portal that serves educators, students and families through home page versioning enabled by enterprise content management software and a dynamic SQL database. This innovative user-type based architecture and accompanying workflow exemplifies how to maximize content and outreach.