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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:
November 7, 2010

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0  License

Museums and the Web 2003: Best of the Web
Recognizing achievement in heritage Web site design

Best On-line Exhibition

And the Winner is:

Corridos Sin Fronteras

Yin Yu Tang

Judges Comments:

Corridos Sin Fronteras

Corridos Sin Fronteras is fascinating...it's a beautiful informal learning resource.

interesting bilingual site with good multimedia usage.

Very attractive, though quite slow, at least from the computers I have been trying to access it. Also the information is too "sliced" and the time necessary to open the next "slice" is quite long and I am afraid an average user would get bored in spite of the very attractive interface. CC

The teacher resources are extensive and very useful. The interdisciplinary nature of the site provides multiple uses for teachers in many different fields.

An excellent fun and educational site!

Lovely corridos-writing activity. I love it.

Wonderful site, great example of what can be done to combine the web features, the exhibition & the interactive activities.

Delightful overall from the music and simple animation to the stylized design metaphor. A pleasure to visit.

Yin Yu Tang

I found this a compelling web experience. Loads to explore from a variety of angles - family, architecture, locations. A little slow on my home connection, but otherwise great.

Vibrant color, lovely graphics and animation! It is a pleasure to visit the Huang family and their home. The online presentation is easy to use, educational, and interpretes the topic from a unique prespective.

A very innovative and attractive site.


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