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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:
November 7, 2010

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0  License

Joan Nordbotten
Associate Professor
University of Bergen
Department of Information Science
P.B. 7800
N-5007 Norway
Email: joan@ifi.uib.no

Joan Nordbotten is an Associate Professor in Information Science at the University of Bergen, in Bergen Norway. Her main interests include multimedia database management, HCI - human computer interaction, and Web exhibits. She currently heads the "Virtual Exhibits on Demand" project in collaboration with Bergen Museum, which has funding from the Norwegian Research Council to develop tools for integration and presentation of multimedia data from multiple sources. The project Web-site is at http://nordbotten.ifi.uib.no/VirtualMuseum/VMwebSite/VEDweb-site.htm. A current project is development of a Web exhibit for the Natural History Museum's Whale skeleton collection and evaluation of video techniques for presentation of large-scale objects.

Joan will present A Whale of a Web-site