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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:
November 7, 2010

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0  License

Ramesh Srinivasan
Harvard University
Graduate School of Design
17 Edinboro St. #3
Boston MA
02111 USA
Email: ramesh@media.mit.edu

Ramesh Srinivasan is a doctoral candidate at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. His research is focused on the interactions between digital media, communities, and the built environment. Srinivasan holds a M.S degree from the MIT Media Lab and a B.S from Stanford University. He is the designer and creator of several interactive media projects including PhotoGlas, a web-based news photomontage system; Village Voice, an interactive story system that archives the experiences of communities worldwide; and BioBits, a physical installation created for the pedestrians within a tunnel in downtown Boston.

Ramesh will present Village Voice: An information architecture for community-centered exhibits