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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:
November 7, 2010

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0  License

David Schaller
Educational Web Adventures LLP
1776 Iglehart Ave.
St. Paul MN
55104 USA
Email: david@eduweb.com

As the founding partner of Eduweb, Dave Schaller is on a perpetual quest for the sweet spot where learning theory, Web technology, and fun meet. He has developed online learning activities for Colonial Williamsburg, the Discovery Channel, the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, the DuPage Children's Museum and Chicago's Brookfield Zoo, among others. His projects have won numerous awards, including two Best of the Web awards at the Museums & the Web conference and three MUSE awards at AAM 2002. Previously, as a geographer and freelance writer, he wrote museum exhibits about history, nature, and Jefferson Davis.

David will teach Developing Goal-Based Scenarios for the Web
David will present Practicing What We Teach: How Learning Theory Can Guide Development of Online Educational Activities
David will present A Rolling Evaluation Gathers No Moss
David will demonstrate Kids Design Network: Live Communication Between Experts and Children