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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:  October 28, 2010

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Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Case Study -- NOT PRESENTED
Janna Posey, Woodpile Studios, USA

Demonstration: Demonstrations - Session 1

The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) is among the world's leading research centers for environmental studies of the coastal zone. For over 35 years, SERC has been involved in critical research, professional training for young scientists, and environmental education. SERC was looking for an organization to sort and organize all of the information they wanted to offer on the inter and intranet and use for generating reports into relational databases, while also implementing and consistent brand and image. We designed, built and integrated a site that we envision to be the model for all research facilities future web prescence. The initial launch of this site will be done at the end of September, however there will continue to be enhancements and revisions. We would like to do a case study demonstrating a "before and after" approach to show how issues were solved at every given level.