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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:  October 28, 2010

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No Two Horns: A Gallery of Art and Exploits
Mark Halvorson, State Historical Society of North Dakota, USA
Michael Frohlich, State Historical Society of North Dakota, USA

Demonstration: Demonstrations - Session 1

This demonstration will examine some of the concerns and issues involved in integrating Hunkpapa Dakota oral tradition, museum artifacts, photographs, wax cylinder recordings, and Euro-American historical writings to create a virtual exhibit.

No Two Horns: A Gallery of Art and Exploits, combines the warrior art of No Two Horns (a cousin of Sitting Bull) with oral traditions to illustrate the experiences of a Dakota warrior during an era of dramatic change, from before the Battle of the Little Bighorn in 1876 to the eve of World War II.

The presentation will review the original materials and discuss the challenges of integrating oral traditions that are related in Hunkpapa Dakota and English to a general audience. The core project team included the multi-media developer, museum curator, and a historian. Working with a Hunkpapa Dakota elder, the tribal college, and a recording studio, integration of two and three dimensional objects and audio components was achieved to produce a project with a multitude of applications.

We will showcase a portion of the project as used in the CD-ROM and its applications in the forthcoming kiosk for the North Dakota Heritage Center, and for Web delivery.


CD-ROM includes:

43 ledger drawings by No Two Horns

7 large pictographs

10 historic photographs

20 artifacts - ranging from an 1861 Springfield rifle to a Buffalo Society headdress

15 traditional Dakota stories from the life of No Two Horns - running time 1 hour

16 musical selections by contemporary native American artists

2 songs, recorded by Frances Densmore at Standing Rock Agency prior to 1915

Mac and PC compatible