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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:  October 28, 2010

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Getting Up to Speed: High Speed Telecommunications, Internet2 and New Opportunities for Education, Research, and Interpretation
Ann Doyle, Internet2, USA
Leonard Steinbach, The Cleveland Museum of Art, USA

Mini-Workshop: Internet2

This mini workshop features an introduction to the benefits and features of broadband telecommunications and especially Internet2 -- the advanced network, applications and technologies, accelerating the creation of tomorrow's Internet led by 202 universities working in partnership with industry, government, museums and educational institutions. Participants will learn the fundamentals of Internet2 connectivity, means of engaging University and other assistance in participation, and see case examples of how Internet2 and broadband communications can enhance and open new opportunities for museum educational outreach, research collaboration, and effective interpretation. Participants will see the future, despair about the present, be energized about new potential, and have great ideas for grant submissions, not to mention leave with just one more thing to demand from their Information Technology departments and senior management.