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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:  October 28, 2010

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Serving the Public: Towards an Understanding of your Web Audience
Sarah Rothwell, Colorado OAHP, USA

Demonstration: Demonstrations - Session 2

Museums and cultural resource organizations that do not already have a web presence are almost certainly considering the possibility. With the enthusiasm for (or occasionally fear of) this new medium it is easy to throw together a web site that serves neither our audience nor our organization.

This demonstration looks at the effectiveness of an online user survey in serving our public. The goals of the survey at www.colorado-oahp.org are to:

 Identify user groups within our web audience

 Identify their reasons for visiting the web site

 Gauge levels of customer satisfaction

 Identify ways in which we can improve their web experience within a limited budget.

Effectiveness is measured in terms of cost to the Office of Archaeological and Historic Preservation and value of the communication (number of responses, type of responses, etc.).

The demonstration will include the online survey itself, information concerning its development and an analysis of results.