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published: March 2004
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Technology Tools for Corporate Development
Katherine Lyons, The Museum of Modern Art, USA

Mini-Workshop: Tools for Corporate Development

The nonprofit world, and museums in particular, has been slow to adapt technology. Many institutions are encumbered by tradition and therefore resistant to change. As the Museum of Modern Art prepares for its reopening in Manhattan in fall 2004, it is now more essential than ever to develop programs that make the best use of technology at our disposal.

In my presentation, I will discuss how The Museum of Modern Art is using technology to improve management of the Corporate Membership Program, which consists of over 150 members and generates approximately $1.2 M per year. Implementing these strategies has resulted in more time and energy for cultivating new members, better relationships with and increased philanthropic commitments from our corporate funders, and reduced overhead costs.

In the Corporate Development Department at MoMA, simple e-mail correspondence has overtaken “snail mail” for some kinds of communication. We have also implemented the use of online registration for special events. Currently, we are working in cooperation with the Museum’s Information Technology Department, in developing an Internet-based method of updating member information. A fast, easy, and efficient Internet solution is resulting in a streamlined process for information gathering and dissemination. We are able to communicate better with the corporate community, and to devote more time and energy to maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with our donors.