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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:  October 28, 2010

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0  License



Dialog Table - Session II
Michael McAllister, USA
Jakub Segen, DialogTable, USA
Marek Walczak, DialogTable, USA

Close-Up: Dialog Table, Interactive

The Dialog Table augments the silent art museum experience with a participatory group interaction. Dialog encourages you to engage with and discuss art. Elbow to elbow you interact simultaneously in both physical and digital spaced. Dialog is designed to provoke social interaction. Utilizing gesture recognition technologies it requires only hand gestures to interact with information. A collection of images bubble up at the top encouraging spontaneous grasping of favorite artworks. Enlarged favorites are collected and investigated with digital tools. The "Explore" tool provides descriptive text, related video or sound clips. The "Relate" tool brings up related art works. The "Make" tool allows you to create and email a postcard.

1st Place Walker art Center International Competition: "Telematic Table", 2002