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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:  October 28, 2010

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Jakub Segen
37 Third St
Fair Haven NJ
07704 USA

Jakub Segen consults and conducts research in computer vision, imaging, and human-computer interaction, and teaches image processing. His recent work includes gesture controlled interactive display, video tracking of human motion, and automated animation. His collaboration with artists led to exhibits at ICF, Walker Art Center and Brooklyn Academy of Music. He spent 21 years at Bell Laboratories Research, where he lead projects in computer vision and human-computer interfaces. His interactive installations: GestureVR, Visual Conductor, and Varionettes were exhibited at Siggraph Emerging Technologies, and at Telecom. His research on gesture recognition has been covered in the New York Times, and his work on video analysis led to LucentVision, a system for tracking movements of players in tennis tournaments. He also contributed to fields of pattern recognition, machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics, image compression, signal analysis, information theory, and bio-engineering. Jakub holds a doctorate in Electrical and Bioengineering from the Carnegie-Mellon University. He has eleven patents and more than seventy publications.

Jakub will present a close up look at Dialog Table - Session I.
Jakub will present a close up look at Dialog Table - Session II.
Jakub will present a close up look at Dialog Table - Session III.