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published: March 2004
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Leonard Steinbach
Chief Information Officer
The Cleveland Museum of Art
11150 East Boulevard
Cleveland OH
44106 USA

Leonard Steinbach joined The Cleveland Museum of Art as its first Chief Technology Officer 1999, overseeing business, exhibition, telecommunications, internet and new media technologies. Prior to this engagement, he was Chief Technology Officer for the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (1996-99). He also currently serves on the Board and is past president of Museum Computer Network (MCN). At the Cleveland Museum of Art, Steinbach is also Project Director for a national demonstration project using interactive broadband technology bringing lifelong learning in the arts to older and disabled persons at residential facilities and in their homes. He is also co-director of ARTS21, a federally funded project to demonstrate how museums will address the needs of the 21st Century learner. Under SSteinbach's leadership the Cleveland Museum of Art became the first art museum in the U.S. to become an Internet2 affiliate member. The Museum is currently engaged in a number of Internet2 projects and experiments. Steinbach also teaches in the digital media program at the Cleveland Institute of Art. He believes that the core competency of a museum is not the mastery of complex technologies, but the creative use of them.

Leonard will present Getting Up to Speed: High Speed Telecommunications, Internet2 and New Opportunities for Education, Research, and Interpretation.