Museums and the Web 2005
Workshops: Description
Photo Credits

Experienced professionals offer in-depth training at pre-conference workshops. Explore topics at an advanced or elementary level.

The Working Workshop: FREE, but you have to work

Willy Lee, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, USA

Workshop: Open Source Developers

The goal of the Working Workshop is to create an open source content management solution that museums of any size can use to put a dynamic museum web site online. Built with php and MySQL, the project should be compatable with countless low cost Web hosting providers. By providing these free tools to the community we hope to allow smaller museums the opppourtunity to create rich dynamic sites that can be maintained without adding additional technical staff.

The project's first year goals include a database driven site complete with intelligent calendar and some basic collection features. As the project expands, it will strive provide gateways into other projects in the museum community (hopefully Pachyderm and other presentation style tools.)

The project still needs help. You don't have to be a programmer to participate. We still need graphic design, xhtml and css support, database design expertise, project documentation, and more.

To be a part of the project, send a short message to Willy Lee at