Museums and the Web 2005
Workshops: Description
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Experienced professionals offer in-depth training at pre-conference workshops. Explore topics at an advanced or elementary level.

Content Management Essentials

John O'Brien, Soul Solutions Pty Ltd, Australia
Darren Peacock, University of South Australia, Australia

Workshop: Content Management

Effective content management is essential to developing, managing and sustaining quality websites. This workshop gives participants an in depth introduction to the issues and technologies that underpin content management of museum websites.

By undertaking the workshop, participants will be:

  • more aware of the issues and opportunities presented by integrated digital content management systems;
  • familiar with the operation of content management systems within a museum environment;
  • more aware of the potential of your organization’s digital assets;
  • better able to plan and implement a content management system in your own organisation.

The presenters are experienced in the design, development and implementation of content management systems in a variety of museum contexts. The workshop is structured to be responsive to participants' particular needs and level of experience.