Museums and the Web 2005
Interactions: Description
Photo Credits

More than just papers, MW2005 offers a chance for dialogue.

Crit Room - Session 2

Dana Mitroff, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA
Bruce Wyman, Denver Art Museum, USA
Slavko Milekic, University of the Arts, USA

Crit Room: Crit Room - 2

Experienced Web designers review real museum Web sites and offer their comments in the Crit Room sessions. In this interaction, modeled on the art school critique, Web sites are volunteered in advance by MW2005 attendees, who are present to respond.

The sites to be reviewed in this session are:

Raid on Deerfield: The many stories of 1704
introduced by Lynne Spichiger

Victoria & Albert Museum
introduced by Gail Durbin

Canadian Heritage Information Network
introduced by Manon Laroque

Manon Larocque of the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) will be on-hand to provide French language interpretation where needed.

Manon Larocque du Réseau canadien d'information sur le patrimoine (RCIP), offrira un service d'interprétation en français pour les participants désirant se prévaloir de ce service.