Museums and the Web 2005
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More than just papers, MW2005 offers a chance for dialogue.

Using Mozilla Kiosk

Matt Morgan, Brooklyn Museum, USA

Mini-Workshop: Mozilla Kiosk

Commissioned by the Brooklyn Museum, the Mozilla Kiosk is an extension to the Mozilla web browser that enables a secure kiosk mode. Basically, it's meant for use anywhere that's anonymous, public, semi-public, and/or shared, or that requires special security precautions, such as public kiosks and library/learning center web terminals, or as a secure browser for terminal server sessions. It's the best, most useful kiosk-mode browser available today. Mozilla Kiosk is publicly available for all uses under the Mozilla Public License.

In this workshop, one of the developers of Mozilla Kiosk will describe its multiple current applications at Brooklyn Museum and demonstrate its capabilities and its configuration. We'll also discuss related requirements for secure public kiosk installation, such as locking cases for computers, unbreakable keyboards, and tamper-proof monitors, all in current use at Brooklyn Museum.