Museums and the Web 2005
Speakers: Speaker Biography
Photo Credits

Speakers from around the world present their latest work at MW2005.

John Falco

Superintendent and Director
Schenectady City School District
Project VIEW
108 Educational Dr.
Schenectady NY
12303 USA

John Falco has served as Superintendent of the 9,000 student urban school system of Schenectady NY for 3 years and served for 6 years as Deputy Superintendent. In addition to Project VIEW, Dr. Falco has led development several of transformational projects in the Schenectady Schools' Capital Region Science Education Partnership (CRSEP), a multi-district Local Systemic Change Initiative funded by the National Science Foundation. Dr. Falco has been named NYSCATE Superintendent of the Year for outstanding leadership in integrating technology. Dr. Falco holds a Doctorate in Educational Administration from Seton Hall University, where his research centered on improving reading skills for struggling emergent readers.

John will present Achievement of Student Cognitive Growth: Results of Integrating Interactive Museum Videoconferencing.