Museums and the Web 2005
Speakers: Speaker Biography
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Speakers from around the world present their latest work at MW2005.

Matthew Addis

University of Southampton
IT Innovation
2 Venture Road,Chilworth Science Park
Southampton Hampshire
SO16 7NP United Kingdom

Dr. Matthew Addis is a Manager at IT Innovation and has considerable experience of designing, developing and implementing client-server and distributed systems using Semantic Web, Agent and Grid technologies. Roles include technical leader and project manager in collaborative R&D and commercial consulting contexts. In ARTISTE and SCULPTEUR, Matthew is leading systems architecture and integration of an interoperable multimedia digital library for collections of 2D and 3D fine art images. In the UK EPSRC MyGrid project, Matthew leads the development of workflow systems for e-Science. In the DISTAL project he developed a secure, Web-based e-Business framework for software and hardware on demand over the Internet, and managed IT Innovation's role in DISTAL-Take-Up, which aimed to prove the business case for DISTAL. In DIAMANT, and more recently PrestoSpace, Matthew is managing the development of a workflow and resource management for audiovisual restoration. In PrestoSpace, and soon eCHASE, Matthew is also leading work on business planning and return on investment achievable through public-private partnerships between public sector cultural heritage content holders and private sector content users. Commercial engagements include the development of secure storage and analysis of transactional data for a major UK institution, and the technical evaluation of the Web-based technologies of start-up companies for investment brokers. Matthew has a PhD in physics. Matthew works at the IT Innovation Centre, which is an autonomous and industry facing part of the Department of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. IT Innovation architects, integrates and engineers innovative IT systems with a focus on collaborative R&D. Services include consultancy, strategies, road maps, proofs-of-concept, demonstrators and novel operational systems.

Matthew will present New Ways To Search, Navigate And Use Multimedia Museum Collections over the Web.