Museums and the Web 2005
Speakers: Speaker Biography
Photo Credits

Speakers from around the world present their latest work at MW2005.

Joshua Archer

Software Engineer
California State University
Center for Distributed Learning
1801 E Cotati Avenue
Rohnert Park CA
94928 USA

Joshua Archer is responsible for design and implementation on multiple projects sponsored by the California State University Center for Distributed Learning. He brings eight years of industry experience in Web design and software engineering to the CDL from the corporate world as well as experience at his own design and consulting firm. Joshua has also acted as instructor for multiple computer-related classes through the Marin Adult School. Joshua received his Bachelor degree in philosophy from U.C. Berkeley in 1994, and has also studied physics, mathematics, and computer science. He has been involved with computers and software engineering, both personally and professionally, for the last 20 years.

Joshua will present Architecting the Elephant: Software Architecture and User Interface Design for Pachyderm 2.0.