Museums and the Web 2005
Speakers: Speaker Biography
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Speakers from around the world present their latest work at MW2005.

Neil King

Research Officer
City University London
Centre for Human Computer Interaction Design
Northampton Square
EC1V 0HB United Kingdom

Neil King has worked in the field of HCI since 2002 where his first project was to develop a usability strategy for a major public service client. Following that Neil took a leading role in the most comprehensive survey of website accessibility ever undertaken, working with a panel of disabled 50 users to evaluate 100 websites over a range of sectors. Since then he has been leading the research for the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council(MLA) applying the same methodology in a survey of museum, library and archive websites. He has also been working on several projects funded by the European Union into Web accessibility and the design of tactile diagrams for blind people. Neil holds a BA in History and an MSc in Information Technology.

Neil will present The Accessibility Of Museum Web Sites: Results From An English Audit And International Comparisons.