Museums and the Web 2005
Speakers: Speaker Biography
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Speakers from around the world present their latest work at MW2005.

Helen Petrie

City University London
Centre for Human Computer Interaction Design
Northampton Square
EC1V 0HB United Kingdom

Helen Petrie originally trained as a psychologist, before becoming interested in people’s attitudes to technologies and how they use technologies. This lead to her studying information technology and developing an interest in human computer interaction. She is now Professor of Human Computer Interaction at City University London, having previously worked at the University of Hertfordshire, Sussex University and the Royal National Institute for the Blind. Her main research interests are the design and evaluation of new technologies, particularly those to assist disabled and elderly people, and psychological aspects of new technologies such as the World Wide Web. She has been involved in many research projects on the use of technology for visually impaired people, and is now particularly interested in the use of technology by older people and people with dyslexia. Her current research is focussed on how to make the WWW more accessible and usable to elderly and disabled people, while not compromising the creativity of web design.

Helen will present The Accessibility Of Museum Web Sites: Results From An English Audit And International Comparisons.