Museums and the Web 2005
Speakers: Speaker Biography
Photo Credits

Speakers from around the world present their latest work at MW2005.

Hermila Brito-Palacios

University of Guadalajara
Environmental Sciences
J. Gpe. Montenegro 2258
Guadalajara Jalisco
44150 Mexico

Hermila Brito-Palacios has been K-12 school teacher since 1968. After that she studied biology (1977) and got her graduate education (1991). She has been school principal at k-12 levels of education. Since 1991 she has been professor at the University of Guadalajara in the Environmental Education Program. She is the director of the Continuous education in environmental education for school teachers where she has participated in a number of conferences and produced 6 books. She brings all her experience to the team to produce the web site featured.

Hermila will demonstrate Education for Sustainable Development: K-12 Resources.