Museums and the Web 2005
Speakers: Speaker Biography
Photo Credits

Speakers from around the world present their latest work at MW2005.

Ann Ferguson

Associate Director, Global Performing Arts Consortium
University of Washington
Digital Initiatives, University Libraries
Box 352900
University of Washington
Seattle WA
98195 USA

Ann Ferguson is the Associate Director of the Global Performing Arts Consortium, an international organization committed to using innovative digital technologies to create easily accessible online resources for the study of the performing arts. Ann has been at the University of Washington Libraries since 2002, where she is a member of their Digital Initiatives Group. Prior to her appointment at UW, Ann was at Cornell University for seven years where she served as the Curator of Theatre Collections and helped found GloPAC. In addition, Ann was on the staff of the Yale University Library for eight years. She holds a Ph.D. in Theatre and a Masters in Library Science.

Ann will demonstrate The Global Performing Arts Database.