Museums and the Web 2005
Speakers: Speaker Biography
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Speakers from around the world present their latest work at MW2005.

Brian Fuchs

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Wilhelmstrasse 44
10117 Germany

Brian Fuchs is Researcher at the Max Planck for the History of Science (MPIWG), Berlin, where he has been chief software engineer on the Archimedes Project (http://archimedes.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.des) since 1999. He studied Classics at Yale University and St. John's College, Cambridge University, and has taught extensively at US Universities: Wesleyan University (Connecticut), University of Chicago, and Bard College (New York), as well as Yale. Brian is interested in intellectual history and technology, in ancient Greek as well as contemporary societies, and has delivered papers and published on topics such as rhetoric among the sophists, ancient medicine, and classical mechanics, as well as standards and implementation pertaining to SGML/XML. Since 2001 he has been involved with the digitization of the Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology (University of Reading) for which he developed a platform independent database. He is currently working on Virtual Lightbox for Museums and Archives (VLMA) as well as the Archimedes Project and ECHO (

Brian will demonstrate The Virtual Lightbox for Museums and Archives: A Portlet Solution for Structured Data Reuse Across Distributed Visual Resources.