March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Workshops: Description

Effective Content Management (FULL)

Darren Peacock, University of South Australia, Australia
John O'Brien, Soul Solutions, Australia

Content management: Strategies and Systems

Effective content management is essential to developing, managing and sustaining quality websites. Content management strategies and the right content management software can significantly improve the quality and reduce the running costs for museum websites.

This workshop gives participants an in depth introduction to the issues and technologies that underpin content management of museum websites. It offers a structured method for tackling content management issues for websites large and small, cutting through the often confusing jungle of jargon and technospeak.

By undertaking the workshop, participants will become:

What is content management?

Content management is an emerging discipline of great significance for the future of museum websites. As the size and complexity of a museum website grows, content management issues, such as consistency, accuracy and speed to publish become critical. Similarly, as more transactions and communication take place online, an integrated platform is essential to maximize the value of those interactions- for visitors and museums. By adopting an integrated content management approach, museums are better placed to manage their websites, now and into the future.

What will I learn?

The presenters are highly experienced in the design, development and implementation of content management systems in a variety of museum contexts. They use a combination of presentation, demonstration, solo and group exercises to take participants through the conceptual foundations of content management, an audit of their organization's own content management issues, content management strategies, software options, making the business case and preparing a project plan.

The workshop is structured to be responsive to participants' particular needs and levels of experience. It offers a balance of conceptual and technical information and a large helping of practical advice. Each participant receives a workbook in which to take notes and undertake the class exercises, providing the basis of an outline plan to take home at the end of the session.

This is the fourth year this workshop has been offered at Museums and the Web, gaining popularity and favorable reviews each year.

This workshop is now FULL .

Workshop: Peacock + OBrien [Full Day]

Keywords: content management