March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Workshops: Description

The Usability of "Accessible Sites" for Persons with Different Needs: An advanced workshop

Jim Angus, National Institutes of Health, USA

So your site is accessible? But is it usable?

This half-day workshop is designed to enable those that believe they have accessible sites to explore the usability of those sites for persons with differing disabilities. The workshop will cover basic best practices that balance accessibility and usability. In addition, attendees will have the opportunity to submit, in advance, sites that that they deem were designed with accessibility in mind; the workshop, guided by the instructor, will then take a close look at these sites in terms of their usability. Pros and cons of various options will be discussed, recognizing that there are no perfect solutions, in what is intended as the first MW workshop in "advanced usability".

Workshop: Angus [Morning]
