March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Demonstrations: Description

Collaborative Arts Resources for Education

Christopher Dye, San Diego Museum of Art, USA
Robin Kaplan, San Diego Museum of Art, USA

The Collaborative Arts Resources for Education (CARE) program has recently launched a Web site with valuable arts resources and lesson plans for K-12 educators. The CARE program was created in 2004 by the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, the Museum of Photographic Arts, and the San Diego Museum of Art to provide much-needed art education and resources, which it is now making more accessible for teachers on their new, easy-to-use Web site:

The site features arts-based K-12 lesson plans aligned with California Content Standards, downloadable images of artworks from the three museums' collections, images of student work, and an extensive resource section. The second phase of the Web site, due to launch in fall 2006, will include interactive activities for students grades 3-5.

Teachers can find fun and creative lesson plans-created and tested in classrooms by artists/educators-for all grades, with activities such as printmaking and photojournalism. They are designed to incorporate other subject areas, such as the ritual vessel-making lesson, which calls on students' knowledge of history and geography. Lesson plans can easily be found by grade, medium, or related subject. In addition, the site's helpful resources include a bibliography of books and Web sites teachers can use in conjunction with the lesson plans, a glossary of art terms and movements, and a directory of sources for art supplies.

The CARE program is a unique arts education initiative that came into existence after a generous anonymous donation was given to the three museums to create a three-year, collaborative arts-based education program for Title 1 San Diego City elementary schools. The purpose of the program is to enable teachers and their students to continue, as well as expand, visual arts experiences in the face of diminished funding for arts education.

Demonstration: Demonstrations [Close-Up]

Keywords: education, art resources, lesson plans, collection images,