March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Demonstrations: Description

WAAND: Women Artists Archives National Directory

Nicole Plett, Rutgers University Libraries, USA

WAAND, the Women Artists Archives National Directory, is an innovative Web directory currently under development by Rutgers University Libraries. Capitalizing on two of Rutgers' demonstrated fields of excellence — women in the visual arts and emerging digital library technologies — WAAND guides users to primary source materials of and about women visual artists actively working in the United States since 1945. It is designed to serve as a virtual, collaborative, multi-institutional, worldwide gateway to scholarly resources on women artists in America. Initiated in January 2005 with a grant from the Getty Foundation, WAAND is currently in its first, data-gathering phase and will go live to users early in 2006, uniting online information from archival repositories across the United States into a single union catalog. WAAND's mission is to conserve, build access to, and awareness of, the achievements of women artists in America throughout the 20th century. Our Rutgers development team was the lead developer for MIC, the Moving Image Collections, up and running online at

I can present WAAND as a Powerpoint talk, or simply give a guided tour through the site with a discussion of its development strategies, metadata, and open source technology.

Demonstration: Demonstrations [Close-Up]

Keywords: women artists, feminist, artist archives, web directory,