March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Demonstrations: Description

Whale Chong: An Audiovisual Whaling Polyphony from the Bergen Museum, Norway

Nina Svane-Mikkelsen, University of Bergen, Norway

Whale Chong is Web-application, a rich media Flash application, published at the official Internet site of Bergen Museum, The Department of Natural History (BNH), as part of the outreach of the museum. The theme of Whale Chong is whales, in a broad sense, but there is a specific focus on the whaling industry and whales as food. The goals of the project included exploring new media and artistic modes of expression, aiming for efficient yet different communication on natural science, seeing art and science as two often very differently organized attempts to explain or describe the world.

In the production of Whale Chong I carried out all roles except the sound work done by the Norwegian sound artist Audun Eriksen. The sound is definitely "his sound".

Demonstration: Demonstrations [Close-Up]

Keywords: whale, Whale Chong, whaling industry, new media, art perspective, polyphony