March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Best of the Web: Categories:

Best Educational Use

Honourable Mention

Palaeography: Reading old handwriting, 1500-1800

Judges' Comments

This site engaged me in exporing something that I have toyed with over the years. It works well and draws the visitor in.

It represents an exemplar for the museum education community. Their innovative efforts succeeding in engaging this user with a turgid topic and managed to make me interested in practicing my new skill.

This is an interesting interactive tutorial that teaches skills required for interpretation of old documents. There is a rich teacher's guide, as well as a set of secondary materials.


Life of a Rock Star

Nominated By: Geneviève Allard, Library and Archives Canada

Designed by an in-house team: Chris Kitzan, Project manager and Roxane Lafrenière, Site designer.

Judges' Comments is a nice example of a straight, well implemented approach to development of a learning resource.

Very fun site, great metaphor!