Alan Lishness
March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Speakers: Biography

Alan Lishness

Chief Innovation Officer
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
PO Box 7549
Portland ME
04112 USA

Alan Lishness serves as Chief Innovation Officer for the Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI). His responsibilities include the design, funding and implementation of innovative programs that utilize computing and communications technologies to teach students and the public about aquatic environments. Since 1993, he has served as a Principal Investigator for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, managing a series of projects that translate NASA Earth Science missions for public audiences on the Web. He currently manages the education component of the Maine Biological Nanotechnology Effort, a NASA-funded research initiative that seeks to gain better understanding of how marine organisms control the crystallization of silica and calcium at the nanoscale to form scales and shells. He also serves as Principal Investigator for a U.S. Department of Commerce-funded project that utilizes handheld computers to produce textual, data and photographic documentation of aquatic environments.

Alan will present Immersing Students in Research at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute. [Paper]